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Early on in my professional career, I went through a rigorous leadership development training workshop. After the assessments, there was a final interview where all participants received feedback based on our performance in the workshop. The main feedback I received was that I "need to learn to empower and trust my team". I was surprised to hear this feedback and responded back to the interviewer stating that "when my team comes to me with a problem, I provide them with a solution" and the epiphany hit me like a wave. Leadership is not about having all of the answers; it's about inspiring the team to be creative and create solutions together. 

This was merely one example of how collectively, we need to create more opportunities to develop leadership skills - the soft skills. As I reflect on my academic days, the majority of courses were focused on hard skills, rather than a leadership development course. We recognize the opportunity to build more leaders - build more connected relationships.


  • To host leadership-focused workshops and events to develop people

  • To host leadership-focused workshops and events to develop C-level talent

  • To create internship and work-study programs for students

  • To provide networking opportunities to learn from executive leaders



LEAP is a national, nonprofit organization, with a mission to achieve full participation and equality for Asian and Pacific Islanders (APIs) through leadership, empowerment, and policy.


Leading From Within fosters a dynamic network of public-minded leaders who know each other, trust each other, and are better able to work together to improve our communities.


Since 2000, Rockwood Leadership Institute has provided thousands of social change leaders across the globe with tools and skills to help change themselves, their communities, and the world.


This is a virtual program coordinated by Antioch University targeting women in early to mid-level management/leadership roles seeking an opportunity to self-assess and be provided feedback on their leadership abilities, deepen their skills and self-confidence, build strong networks of support, and plan a career path for the future in the context of social change.

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