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A member of my family began to experience light to moderate symptoms: headache, drowsiness, mild cough, etc. After a week had passed and realizing the continued presence of said symptoms, the time had come to visit the doctor's office and gain a better understanding of what might be causing the symptoms and take action on solutions. During this visit, they came to understand that there were actually much deeper health issues at risk.

Traditionally, we acted in a way that responded to health events: if I were to become sick, then I would take action in remediating the situation through a doctor's visit and prescribed medication. Now,  digital technologies are shaping the future of human health. However, we also need to address the elephants in the room: with the ongoing advancements of healthcare, we must create equitable, affordable, and universal access to these benefits. 


  • To promote the global collaboration and advance the transfer of knowledge of digital health

  • To introduce startup organizations who are developing new methods of healthcare

  • To maintain the integrity and security of health data, privacy rights, and IP rights

  • To continue working towards a sustainable financial model for health providers

  • To host education-based events for consumers to learn more about digital health



Inspiring Girls International es una campaña mundial dedicada a elevar las aspiraciones de las jóvenes al conectarlas con modelos femeninos inspiradores.


Women in Sports Tech es la organización sin fines de lucro que impulsa oportunidades de crecimiento transformador para las mujeres en todas las etapas de sus carreras en toda la industria de la tecnología deportiva.


All Raise arma a las fundadoras y financiadoras con acceso, orientación y apoyo para acelerar exponencialmente su éxito e impulsar a toda la industria hacia adelante.

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IFundWomen es la plataforma de financiación de referencia para mujeres empresarias que proporciona acceso a capital a través de financiación colectiva y subvenciones para pequeñas empresas.


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